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A 3-tablet serving of Cal Mag D provides:
Magnesium to help regulate calcium levels.
Vitamin C to promote collagen formation for bone strength.
Copper to promote bone and collagen strength.
Zinc to support bone growth and maturation.
The calcium equivalent of 20 oz. of milk.
No added artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.
Vitamin D
It's not how much calcium you take – it's how much you absorb that matters. If your age, hormone levels, diet, or exercise have reduced your body's ability to absorb calcium, try Cal Mag D.
Calcium and Magnesium together assist in the prevention of osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is now recognized as the world's second-largest health problem, after cardiovascular disease. Yet research tells us that only a small percentage of teens in their bone-forming years (ages 12–19) get enough calcium.
A 3-tablet serving of Cal Mag D provides the calcium equivalent of 20 oz. of milk, as well as magnesium to help regulate calcium levels. It also provides vitamin C to promote collagen formation for bone strength; copper to promote bone and collagen strength; and zinc to support bone growth and maturation.
We use three calcium sources and added vitamin D for greater absorption.
We all need lots of calcium, but do some groups need more than others?
Children, teens, and young adults need the highest amounts for their growing and maturing bodies. Building good bone mass while young can have great benefits in later life. Pregnant women and nursing mothers need more to serve the needs of their babies as well as their own. Older adults need more calcium.
What is osteoporosis?
It's a condition of weak, brittle, porous bones. Osteoporosis typically affects older people, women at 30–40% and men at around 13%. Some 25 million Americans have it.
May I take Cal Mag D together with Bone Health with Ipriflavone?
We actually encourage you to take these two supplements together, for increased bone mineral density. Numerous clinical trials report that combining 200 mg of Ipriflavone three times a day with an overall intake of 1,000 mg of calcium will increase bone-mineral density and decrease bone resorption. Since the average person's daily diet supplies 500 mg of calcium, adding 1–3 Cal Mag D tablets can help you reach that 1,000 mg target.
Why is calcium with magnesium combined in Cal Mag D?
Both are involved in bone metabolism and muscle and nerve activity. Research indicates that supplementing with calcium alone can hinder the action of magnesium and vice versa. Cal Mag D provides a balanced combination of both minerals.
Why are there other minerals in Cal Mag D?
Copper, zinc, and manganese are included – in generous amounts – because these essential minerals are also needed to build and maintain healthy bones.
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